PLC Charter Schools
Special Education Support Staff (2025/2026 SY) (Education)
Arizona State Retirement System, Medical, Dental, Vision, Short Term Disability, Sick Leave Plan, & Life Insurance.
The Special Education Support Staff will collaborate with the Principal, ESS Director, general education classroom Teachers, related services staff, School Social Worker, parents, teacher aides, and charters personnel to facilitate the development of a comprehensive individualized education program that will support students in the least restrictive environment.
Understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.Uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.Works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.Understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.Understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.Engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.Seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Individualized Education Program (IEP):
Demonstrates knowledge of disabilities and their educational implications.Demonstrates knowledge of state and federal special education laws, rules, and regulations.Demonstrates knowledge of and the ability to use a variety of assistive devices that support student learning.Applies specialized diagnostic and assessment procedures to assist in determining special education eligibility for areas of suspected disability.Assists in the design and implementation of individualized education programs through diagnostic teaching, instructional adaptations, and individual behavior management techniques.Utilizes paraprofessionals, and other support staff, effectively through training and supervision.Understands and uses effectively, the student data system to create compliant Annual, Amended, and Initial IEPs, supporting documents, and progress reports.Conducts compliant IEP meetings which include all significant Special Education Team members.Completes and sends original IEP paperwork to the special education director in a timely manner.Creates and updates Service Records as instructed by the charters personnel that includes all students on caseload.Utilizes technology (e.g., Laptops, IPADS, Kindles, SMART boards, etc.) and approved instructional programs to enhance student learning.Maintains and inventories equipment in the classroom.Performs other duties as assigned.